A NodeList is an array-like object representing a collection of DOM elements or nodes.

It looks like an array, however, you can not use common array methods like map(), slice(), and filter() on a NodeList object.

Read this guide to understand the difference between a NodeList and an array.

[...] a NodeList is a collection of nodes that can be used to access and manipulate DOM elements, while an array is a JavaScript object which can hold more than one value at a time.

Both NodeLists and arrays have their own prototypes, methods, and properties. You can easily convert a NodeList to an array if you want to, but not the other way around.

In this article, we'll look at different ways to convert a NodeList object to an array in JavaScript.

Array.from() Method

In modern JavaScript, the simplest and easiest way to convert a NodeList object to an array is by using the Array.from() method:

// create a `NodeList` object
const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div')

// convert `NodeList` to an array
const divsArr = Array.from(divs)

The output of the above code is a regular Array object containing all the nodes returned by the querySelectorAll() method.

The Array.from() method was introduced in ES6 and creates a new, shallow-copied Array object from the NodeList object in modern browsers. For old browsers like IE, you need a polyfill.

Spread Operator

Another way to create an Array object from a NodeList is by using the spread operator syntax ([...iterable]):

// create a `NodeList` object
const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div')

// convert `NodeList` to an array
const divsArr = [...divs]

The ES6's spread operator is a concise and super easy way of converting a NodeList to an array in JavaScript. Like Array.from(), it only works in modern browsers.

Array.prototype.slice() Method

Finally, the last way to convert a NodeList to an Array object is by using the call() method to execute the Array.prototype.slice() method on the NodeList object as shown below:

// create a `NodeList` object
const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div')

// convert `NodeList` to an array
const divsArr = Array.prototype.slice.call(divs)

You can also use a concise form of the above method:

const divsArr = [].slice.call(divs)

The Array.prototype.slice.call() works well in all modern and old browsers, including IE 6+. You should use this approach if you want to support the most number of browsers.

All of the above methods give a real JavaScript array, which you can iterate through using forEach() and use all your favorite array methods to do different things.

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