To retrieve the first element of a Map object, there are multiple approaches you can take.

  1. Using the entries() method and next():
const map = new Map([
  ['name', 'Alex Hales'],
  ['age', 27],
  ['country', 'United States']

const first = map.entries().next().value

// ['name', 'Alex Hales']

The entries() method returns an iterator object with key-value pairs. By calling next() once, you can retrieve the first element from the iterator.

  1. Converting to an array and accessing the first element:
const map = new Map([
  ['name', 'Alex Hales'],
  ['age', 27],
  ['country', 'United States']

const first = Array.from(map)[0] // or [][0]

// ['name', 'Alex Hales']

By using Array.from(map) or the spread operator (, you can convert the Map object into an array. Then, accessing the element at index 0 will give you the first key-value pair.

  1. Using array destructuring with keys() or values():
const map = new Map([
  ['name', 'Alex Hales'],
  ['age', 27],
  ['country', 'United States']

const [firstKey] = map.keys()
console.log(firstKey); // 'name'

const [firstVal] = map.values()
console.log(firstVal); // 'Alex Hales'

You can utilize array destructuring to extract the first key or value by calling keys() or values() on the Map object.

To learn more about the Map object and working with key-value pairs in JavaScript, you can refer to this article.

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