The set() method is used to update or add an element's value in a Map object. It takes two parameters: the key and the new value. If the Map object already contains the key, the set() method updates its value. Otherwise, it adds a new key-value pair to the Map.

const map = new Map([
  ['name', 'Alex'],
  ['scores', [75, 87]],
  ['bio', { age: 27, country: 'Pakistan' }]

// Map(3) {
//   'name' => 'Alex',
//   'scores' => [75, 87],
//   'bio' => { age: 27, country: 'Pakistan' }
// }

// Update name (STRING)
map.set('name', 'Alex Hales')
console.log(map.get('name')) // Alex Hales

// Update scores (ARRAY)
map.set('scores', ['scores'), 99])
console.log(map.get('scores')) // [75, 87, 99]

// Update bio (OBJECT)
map.set('bio', {'bio'), job: 'Engineer' })

// { age: 27, country: 'Pakistan', job: 'Engineer' }

In the above example, the name, scores, and bio elements are updated with new values using the set() method. The name is updated with a string value, scores with an array value by spreading the existing scores and adding a new score of 99, and bio with an object value by spreading the existing bio object and adding a job property.

You can also use the set() method to add new elements to a Map object:

const map = new Map([
  ['name', 'Alex'],
  ['scores', [75, 87]],
  ['bio', { age: 27, country: 'Pakistan' }]

map.set('email', '')

// Map(4) {
//   'name' => 'Alex',
//   'scores' => [75, 87],
//   'bio' => { age: 27, country: 'Pakistan' },
//   'email' => ''
// }

In this case, the email element is added to the Map object with its corresponding value.

To learn more about the Map object and how to utilize it to create collections of key-value pairs in JavaScript, you can refer to this article.

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