The Map object in JavaScript allows us to create collections of key-value pairs. Keys in a Map are unique and maintain their original insertion order. You can use any objects or primitives as keys and values.

Objects vs. Maps

Introduced in ES6 alongside the Set object, the Map object is similar to a JavaScript object used for storing key-value data. However, there are important distinctions:

  1. Map keys can be of any type, not limited to strings and symbols.
  2. A Map object provides a property to retrieve the size of the collection.
  3. By default, a Map does not contain any keys it only includes explicitly inserted entries.

Creating a new Map object

To create an empty map, use the Map() constructor:

const items = new Map()

Alternatively, you can initialize a map with values by passing an iterable object like an array to the Map constructor:

const items = new Map([
  ['🦅', 'Eagle'],
  ['🐶', 'Dog'],
  ['🐹', 'Hamster']

// Map(3) { '🦅' => 'Eagle', '🐶' => 'Dog', '🐹' => 'Hamster' }

Another approach is to initialize a map with values from a JavaScript object:

const user = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }

const map = new Map(Object.entries(user))

// Map(2) {
//     'name' => 'John Doe',
//     'age' => 30
// }

Adding elements to a Map

The set() method is used to add elements to a Map object:

const items = new Map()
items.set('🐶', 'Dog')
items.set('🦅', 'Eagle')
items.set('🚄', 'Train')
items.set(45, 'Number')
items.set(true, 'Boolean')

The set() method is chainable, allowing you to combine multiple set() calls:

const user = new Map()

user.set('name', 'Atta').set('age', 34)

// Map(2) { 'name' => 'Atta', 'age' => 34 }

Since Map keys are unique, calling set() with the same key multiple times will update the value instead of creating multiple key-value pairs:

const animals = new Map()

animals.set('🐺', 'Wolf')
animals.set('🐺', 'Wolf Face')

console.log(animals) // Map(1) {"🐺" => "Wolf Face"}

Adding objects to a Map

Since the Map object allows storing any data type as keys or values, you can include complex objects like object literals, arrays, and even functions:

const props = {
  browser: 'Chrome',
  os: 'Ubuntu 19.04'

const hamburger = () => '🍔'

const things = new Map()

things.set('birds', ['🦉', '🦅'])
things.set('user', { name: 'John Doe', planet: 'Earth' })
things.set(props, 59)
things.set(hamburger, 'What is the food?')

things.get(props) // 59
things.get(hamburger) // What is the food?

Getting an element from a Map

To retrieve elements from a Map object, use the get() method:

const user = { name: 'Atta', age: 30 }

const items = new Map()
items.set('user', user)
items.set('rank', 12)

console.log(items.get('rank')) // 12
console.log(items.get('user')) // { name: 'Atta', age: 30 }

Checking if an element exists in a Map

To determine if an element exists in a Map object, use the has() method:

const items = new Map()
items.set('🐶', 'Dog')
items.set('🦅', 'Eagle')

console.log(items.has('🐶')) // true
console.log(items.has('🐺')) // false

Getting the number of elements in a Map

The Map object provides the size property to retrieve the number of elements in the collection:

const items = new Map()
items.set('🐶', 'Dog')
items.set('🦅', 'Eagle')

console.log(items.size) // 2

Deleting an element from a Map

To remove an element from a Map object, use the delete() method:

const items = new Map()
items.set('🐶', 'Dog')
items.set('🦅', 'Eagle')

console.log(items.delete('🐶')) // true
console.log(items.delete('🐶')) // false (already removed)
console.log(items.delete('🚄')) // false (not found)

Deleting all elements in a Map

To delete all entries in a Map object, use the clear() method:

const items = new Map()
items.set('🐶', 'Dog')
items.set('🦅', 'Eagle')


console.log(items.size) // 0

Iterating over Map keys

The keys() method returns an iterator object containing all the keys in a Map object. You can use it with a for...of loop to iterate over the keys:

let john = { name: 'John Doe' },
  alex = { name: 'Alex' },
  pretti = { name: 'Pretti' }

const team = new Map([
  [john, 'Manager'],
  [alex, 'Lead'],
  [pretti, 'Developer']

for (const user of team.keys()) {

// { name: 'John Doe' }
// { name: 'Alex' }
// { name: 'Pretti' }

Iterating over Map values

To iterate over the values in a Map object, use the values() method:

let john = { name: 'John Doe' },
  alex = { name: 'Alex' },
  pretti = { name: 'Pretti' }

const team = new Map([
  [john, 'Manager'],
  [alex, 'Lead'],
  [pretti, 'Developer']

for (const role of team.values()) {

// Manager
// Lead
// Developer

Iterating over Map elements

You can use a for...of loop to iterate over all key-value pairs in a Map object. The order of iteration follows the original insertion order of the keys:

const foods = new Map([
  ['🍌', 'Banana

  ['🍕', 'Pizza'],
  ['🥒', 'Cucumber'],
  ['🌽', 'Maize']

for (const [key, value] of foods) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`)

// 🍌: Banana
// 🍕: Pizza
// 🥒: Cucumber
// 🌽: Maize

Alternatively, you can use the forEach() method to iterate over all elements:

foods.forEach((value, key) => {
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`)

// 🍌: Banana
// 🍕: Pizza
// 🥒: Cucumber
// 🌽: Maize

The Map object also provides the entries() method, which returns an iterable for key-value pairs [key, value]:

for (const [key, value] of foods.entries()) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`)

You can call the next() method on the iterable returned by entries() to traverse the key-value pairs one by one:

const entries = foods.entries()

console.log( // { value: ["🍌", "Banana"], done: false }

Converting a Map to an array

To convert a Map object to a two-dimensional array, you can use the Array.from() method:

const foods = new Map([
  ['🍌', 'Banana'],
  ['🍕', 'Pizza'],
  ['🥒', 'Cucumber'],
  ['🌽', 'Maize']

const arr = Array.from(foods)

// [
//   ['🍌', 'Banana'],
//   ['🍕', 'Pizza'],
//   ['🥒', 'Cucumber'],
//   ['🌽', 'Maize']
// ]

Alternatively, you can use the spread operator (...) to convert a Map object to an array:

const arr = [...foods]

// [
//   ['🍌', 'Banana'],
//   ['🍕', 'Pizza'],
//   ['🥒', 'Cucumber'],
//   ['🌽', 'Maize']
// ]

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