There are multiple ways to check if an enum contains the given string value in Java. You can use the valueOf() to convert the string into an enum value in Java. If the string is a valid enum value, the valueOf() method returns an enum object. Otherwise, it throws an exception.

Let us say we have the following enum representing the days of the week:

public enum Weekday {
    MONDAY(1, "Monday"),
    TUESDAY(2, "Tuesday"),
    WEDNESDAY(3, "Wednesday"),
    THURSDAY(4, "Thursday"),
    FRIDAY(5, "Friday"),
    SATURDAY(6, "Saturday"),
    SUNDAY(7, "Sunday");

    private final int number;
    private final String value;

    Weekday(int number, String value) {
        this.number = number;
        this.value = value;
    public int getNumber() {
        return number;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

Search an enum value by name

Since the enum type is a special data type in Java, the name of each enum is constant. For example, the name of Weekday.FRIDAY is FRIDAY.

To search the enum by its name, you can use the valueOf() method, as shown below:

String str = "FRIDAY";

Weekday day = Weekday.valueOf(str.toUpperCase());
System.out.println(day); // FRIDAY

The valueOf() method works as long as you pass a string that matches an enum name. If the given string does not match an enum name, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown:

// Fail due to case mismatch
Weekday monday = Weekday.valueOf("Monday");

// Fail due to invalid value
Weekday invalidStr = Weekday.valueOf("Weekend");

To handle exceptions gracefully, let us add a static function called findByName() to Weekday that searches the enum by name and returns null if not found:

public enum Weekday {
    // ...

    public static Weekday findByName(String name) {
        for (Weekday day : values()) {
            if ( {
                return day;
        return null;

The findByName() method uses the values() method to iterate over all enum values and returns an enum object if the given string matches an enum name. Otherwise, it returns null as shown below:

System.out.println(Weekday.findByName("Monday")); // MONDAY
System.out.println(Weekday.findByName("friday")); // FRIDAY
System.out.println(Weekday.findByName("Weekday")); // null

Search an enum by value

To search an enum by value, you can use the same valueOf() method you used above. This time, instead of using the name() method, use the getValue() method, as shown below:

public enum Weekday {
    // ...
    public static Weekday findByValue(String value) {
        for (Weekday day : values()) {
            if (day.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
                return day;
        return null;

The findByValue() method works to findByName() and returns an enum object that matches the enum value. So for Tuesday, you will get Weekday.TUESDAY. If the given value is invalid, the findByValue() method returns null as shown below:

System.out.println(Weekday.findByValue("Tuesday")); // TUESDAY
System.out.println(Weekday.findByValue("friday")); // FRIDAY
System.out.println(Weekday.findByValue("Fri")); // null

Search an enum by an integer value

You can also write a function to search an enum by an integer value. For example, to search a Weekday by the number field, you can use the following code:

public enum Weekday {
    // ...
    public static Weekday findByNumber(int number) {
        for (Weekday day : values()) {
            if (day.getNumber() == number) {
                return day;
        return null;

The findByNumber() method compares the given number with the day's number. If the number matches, it returns the matched object. Otherwise, it returns null as shown below:

System.out.println(Weekday.findByNumber(3)); // WEDNESDAY
System.out.println(Weekday.findByNumber(5)); // FRIDAY
System.out.println(Weekday.findByNumber(9)); // null

Search an enum using Java 8 Streams

You can also use Java 8 Streams to simplify the enum search. Let us rewrite the above findByNumber() method using streams:

public static Optional<Weekday> findByNumber(int number) {
    return -> weekday.getNumber() == number)

The above example code looks different from the previous codes because we have used Java 8 streams to implement the search.

Also, instead of returning the enum itself, an Optional value of the Weekday is returned. For the null value, the findByNumber() method returns an empty Optional.

Here is an example that uses the above method to check if the enum exists:

Optional<Weekday> weekday = Weekday.findByNumber(6);
if (weekday.isPresent()) {
    System.out.println("The number matches " + weekday.get().name());
} else {
    System.out.println("Number does not match.");

// The number matches SATURDAY

Throwing an exception if the enum is not found

You can also throw an exception instead of returning null or empty Optional. Let us again rewrite the findByNumber() to throw an IllegalArgumentException if the enum is not found:

public static Weekday findByNumber(int number) {
    return -> weekday.getNumber() == number)

The following example uses the above findByNumber() method to search an enum by an integer value:

System.out.println(Weekday.findByNumber(5)); // FRIDAY
// Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

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