Thymeleaf provides a way to display content conditionally using the equivalent of a switch statement in Java: the th:switch and th:case attributes set.

The th:switch and th:case attributes are useful when there are more than two outcomes of an expression. These attributes work not only for constant variables like an enum but also for any other data types such as string or number.

Here is an example:

<div th:switch="${user.role}">
    <p th:case="'admin'">Administrator</p>
    <p th:case="'manager'">Manager</p>
    <p th:case="'user'">User</p>

Note that as soon as one th:case attribute is evaluated as true, every other th:case attribute in the same switch context is evaluated as false.

th:case="*" is used to specify the default option in th:switch statement:

<div th:switch="${user.role}">
    <p th:case="'admin'">Administrator</p>
    <p th:case="'manager'">Manager</p>
    <p th:case="'user'">User</p>
    <p th:case="*">Other</p>

Take a look at this article to learn more about how to use Thymeleaf with Spring Boot.

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